SAR to PKR Rate Today for Saudi Riyal against Pakistani Rupees

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Today’s SAR to PKR Rate updated in live in real-time from Open Exchange Rates worldwide and in Pakistan. Get latest and up to date Saudi Riyal to PKR Pakistani rupees exchange rate along with percentage increase/decrease in price rate. Find SAR to PKR and PKR to SAR exchange rates in Pakistani Rupees with forex and currency exchange rates.

Current SAR to PKR Rate is Rs. 75 Today

SAR / PKRLive Rate Now
🇸🇦 🇵🇰 SAR to PKRRs. 75
This currency is widely traded and used in Pakistan, and its exchange rate is closely monitored by businesses, traders, and individuals.

SAR to PKR Currency Exchange Rate Chart – Weekly

The SAR to PKR chart presents current and historical rate data over previous weeks, months and years. The currency exchange rate chart displays the changes in the exchange rate of Saudi Riyal or SAR against Pakistani Rupee or PKR over a period of time. It shows the movement of the exchange rate on a graph, providing a visual representation of fluctuations in the exchange rate. The below chart can be used to understand the relationship between two currencies i.e SAR and PKR, and how it has changed over time. The SAR to PKR exchange rate is important as it affects international trade, investment and the cost of travel.

The Saudi Riyal (SAR) is the official currency of the United States of America, and the Pakistan Rupee (PKR) is the official currency of Pakistan. The current exchange rate for 1 SAR to PKR is approximately Rs. 75 as of 21st March 2025 which can fluctuate every hour depending on the market. It’s important to note that the exchange rate is subject to change and you should always check the most recent rate before making any currency exchanges or transactions.

Factors that are affecting live SAR to PKR rate today:

The exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal (SAR) and the Pakistan Rupee (PKR) can fluctuate due to a variety of factors. Some of the factors that can affect the exchange rate include:

  1. Economic conditions: The SAR to PKR exchange rate can be affected by the overall economic conditions of the countries involved, such as interest rates, inflation, and gross domestic product (GDP).
  2. Political stability: Political instability in either country can also affect the exchange rate of SAR and PKR currencies.
  3. Supply and demand: The exchange rate can be affected by the supply and demand for each currency in the foreign exchange market.
  4. Interest rate: The interest rate differential between the two countries can also play a role.
  5. Speculation: Speculation by investors and traders can also affect the exchange rate of SAR and PKR currencies.

It’s important to note that the exchange rate can fluctuate rapidly and you should always check the most recent rate before making any currency exchanges or transactions.

Check out the latest Riyal rate and Saudi Riyal currency exchange rates against Pakistani Rs PKR to find what is latest Dirham rate today in major foreign exchange markets or Saudi Riyal forex rates. To find other currency rates against PKR, use the Currency Converter

Pakistan Times