Malik Shakeel Awan
Born: 24 January 1964
Profession: Politician, Businessman
Affiliation(s): PML (N)
Malik shakeel Awan was born on 24th January, 1964.
Passion and profession
A politician by passion and a businessman by profession. Malik shakeel runs outdoor advertising business.
He hails from Kalyam Awan, and is son of Malik Ali Ahmed (Late). Belonging to a political family, they are a total of 5 brothers and sisters.
Malik shakeel Awan did his Intermediate and Bachelors from Gordon College Rawalpindi, and then joined a Law College to study Law but couldn’t continue owing to the political commitments. Politics fuels him, for he has been into active politics since his school days.
Affiliations with PML (N) & Nawaz Sharif
He has deep rooted affiliations with PML (N), and regards Nawaz Sharif as a true leader after Quaid e Azam and Air Marshal Asghar Khan. He feels that Pakistan is in a chaotic situation at the moment, and that law and order situation must be improved as it is the gravest problem we face today.
Political career
He started his political career in 1985 under the guidance of a senior PML (N) leader: Khawaja Mehmood Ahmed Minto. Currently, his party designations include being Additional General Secretary Muslim League (N) Rawalpindi and he is also member of the Central General Council Pakistan.
In district assembly Rawalpindi
He was prviously Nazim of UC 46 Rawalpindi, and is also the Parliamentary leader PML (N) in District Assembly Rawalpindi.
By-election 2010
Malik Shakeel Awan was awarded ticket by PML(N) to run against Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed in the bye-elections held on 24th February 2010. He defeated his rival with almost 30,000 votes.
Party portfolios held:
City President MSF, Rawalpindi.(1986 – 1988)
Divisional president MSF, Rawalpindi.(1988 – 1990)
Student Leader Gordon College, Rawalpindi.(1986 – 1990)
Divisional President Muslim league youth wing Rawalpindi.(12-Oct, 1999)
District President Muslim league youth wing Rawalpindi.(1990 – 1993)
Work as President of PP-3 Rawalpindi city PML (N).(1993 – 2002)
Contested in provisional Assembly PP-12 election in 2002 and got remarkable votes
Public responsibilities held:
Elected Councilor (Municipal Corporation ) in 1991
Elected Councilor (Municipal Corporation ) in 1998
Ex-member Khidmat Committee in Rawalpindi till October 12, 1999
PML (N) and Malik shakeel Awan
A die-hard supporter of Nawaz Sharif, Malik shakeel has been in detention many a times. He has been accused in politically motivated cases, but this did not deter him from always going out of the way in all activities of the party.
He has always been in the forefront in all party processions and has stood strong with his party leadership, all through the regime of Musharraf and has positively contributed his bit as a loyal member of the party.